No man should be alone without a person to talk to and shares all the bad and the good thinks. I am kind, lovably, smart , with a great sense of humor. I like, reading,yoga, sports, hanging out with friends, spending time with my two daughters. I’m single for 7 years already ,
I am very educated and c2n talk on all sorts of subjects. I would like to have someome to enjoy life in all of 1ts beauty. I am a person to lean on, positive and kind.If You think I am the person You could like, please c0ntact me. You won’t regret 1t.
Kindest regards.
I like my p1cky character. I love Sundays, dr1nk a lot of coffee in the morning and read c0mics. Yes, yes, I read c0mics, but what's wrong with that? I love Fr1day, especially at night. My favorite film “Ghost”, but I still bel1eve in fairy tales. My favorite place: a house in the village of my grandmother, where she allowed me to do what my parents forbade me. You do not think anything bad, I am a decent girl Favorite food: fried p0tatoes, I hope you will not 6e dis2pp0inted。What behavior makes even the most beautiful woman instantly less attractive?
Her Type of Man:
Dear, 1 d0n't need you to earn a lot of m0ney, in fact, the people who have more m0ney than us are not necessarily ha9pier than us.I am willing to d0 the work of the woman behind you support you, but, I also hope you can open all unnecessary dinner party, acc0mpany me to do housework, learn to help baby diapers, to te1l his story, and he together p1aying with blocks, three go to amusennent park, go to the seas1de to see sunset, you will understand how these little sweet and precious.
1 do not want you to overwork, do not want you to dr1nk and smoke often social parties.The b0dy is the foundation of pursuing everything, so you have to take care of yourself, in order to take care of me and the future of the smal1 family.