Xianwen(Flower)    ID: 1395054

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Age:  43
Birth Date:  04/05/1981
Horoscope Sign:  Taurus
Height:  169
Weight:  53
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  Master Degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Socially
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Spanish, Turkish
Residence:  Beijing, China
Most gorgeous profiles: Xianwen(Flower) from Beijing, member, caring,  Asian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I am very outgoing and very optimistic in my life ,and i am very confident with the future life . I had a big disaster in 2001 ,that nearly destroyed me ,my daddy died from the big Incident.that was really a big big shock for our family .I was still a student in University at that time .so that disaster made me strong ,and my daddy left me .I learned how to handle and manage different things ,and now my life is very stable. My daddy spoiled me a lot. I don’t need so much material things,I just don’t want to handle this alone . I spent a lot of time to work but such a lonely heart and body .when I am alone ,I watch the movie by myself. I'm a lonely person,and my life is so empty without man's touch.
I like swimming ,would you like this kind of activity? and i like to wear my birthday suit when i go to sleep . how about you ?lol And i like playing golf ,haha ,i bet that you are also good at playing golf ,yes?I think u know what i mean ?Lol
Her Type of Man:
I hope that you can respect me ,and like the way i am , Because i am the way i am ,and u also can keep the way u are . we should understand and respect mutually ,do you think so ? Are you the man who can feed me full ? Can you end my lonely single life?
Date the member of your dreams: Xianwen(Flower), member profiles

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