jinghan(luna)    ID: 1505608

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Age:  28
Birth Date:  05/06/1996
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  165
Weight:  51
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Date the member of your dreams: free Asian member jinghan(luna) from Beijing
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
i was born in a riich family ,all my family treat me as a princess ,i get all i want these 27 years!!i can say i am a rea1 princess !!! only one 9thing hurt me bad !! it is my ex bf !!! we got t0gether when i was 17 , and broke up in 2020.i bought him watch,clothes,Limited edition sneakers.i bought him Benz,villa and yacht.i supp0rt him a1l expensiive hobbies.he betrayaled me when i was 1n a bus1ness trrip in usa.he cheated on me .i hate this. i like talking,i am humorous and smart.i like being with family and friends , 1 do not like to be alone .i like to take part in car sh0ws , i like to bu8y cool cars, and drive to suburb.bring tent, some food ,have a pi8cnic and climb mountain .do you like this kind of life ? free and natural !do you want to try to make 10ve under the stars sky ?
i have a dance room in shanghai ,it is just a sma1l busSiness of mine,it only ea9rn milions per year,but i still keep it ,because i like dancing very much.do you want to see me dance for you ? do you like Belly dance?? do you like me twiist my hiiip ?one day i will take you to my room, so we can dance t0gether. my biggest businNess is jewelry , it is my family businNess ,ea9rn bilions every year.my parents are the top 3 riich person in my c1ty. they are 65 years old now , they got retired in 2016 . and from that time, they gaaave all the pr0perty to me. now i have 100 jewelry shops,15 vi1las ,ten cars and bili0ns. before 2016 , i went for busiiness trrip with mommy,she taught me all the knowledge to manage busiiness.i have been to united kingd0m,usa,japAan,1n dia,canada with her. i like different cluture very much, i hope i could have a world around travel with you in the future ! are you willing ?
Her Type of Man:
I wanna a man who is loving,kind,mature and have more experience.he can teach me in life , of course in beeeed also :),we can try many p0sitons. I will be loyal to him, I will never betray him. I am very serious to look for a man to be with me, would you like me to move t0 you? i will have a one m0nth holi8day soon ,can we meeet? when is ok for you ?this m0nth ? next m0nth? if you wanna a pretty and riich lady , write me and let me p1ease you!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember WRITE ME !!in 1etter !! i am not in chat often.
Most gorgeous profiles: Online member jinghan(luna)

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