Jiajia    ID: 1605984

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Age:  35
Birth Date:  03/04/1989
Horoscope Sign:  Aries
Height:  165
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Shanghai, China
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Jiajia from Shanghai, Asian member chat
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Hello and welcome to my profile. I believe I am open and a sincere person. Also I am purposeful and I know what I want from life. At the same time I love to dream and I believe in the power of thought. One day I thought to come here and register my profile in search of my life-time partner and I did it. So it works just like this, see? My thoughts are powerful, so if I will think about you, you will have no way to escape.
I am positive, loving and know what I want. I have goals and I'm purposeful. I dream to create a strong family, have a good job, realize myself as a woman, wife and hopefully to see more of the world.
Her Type of Man:
My ideal partner is a beloved man. A relationship built on trust, understanding, reciprocity and compromises.
Gorgeous profiles only: Jiajia, member, Asian, young

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